St. Oswald was the first Christian King of Northumbria, faithfully serving and defending his kingdom. Upon becoming King of Northumbria he summoned St. Aidan to be his Bishop, giving him the holy island of Lindisfarne for his See. Known not only for his valiant leadership in battle, he generously provided food and basic needs to…

St. Oswald was the first Christian King of Northumbria, faithfully serving and defending his kingdom. Upon becoming King of Northumbria he summoned St. Aidan to be his Bishop, giving him the holy island of Lindisfarne for his See. Known not only for his valiant leadership in battle, he generously provided food and basic needs to his people setting a Christian example for all. His holy relics worked many miracles and his skull rests with St. Cuthbert in Durham today.

The Orthodox Church commemorates St. Oswald on August 5th. Holy King-Martyr Oswald, pray to God for us!

The text is found in the “Saints of England’s Golden Age” published by the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies.

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