Music: Stamatis Spanoudakis - "You will come as a lightning" Lyrics: You will come as a lightning The country will have feast The sea, the earth and the sky In your light I will wear white clothes To touch you again You light and me heart How much I love you King of Kings Help…

Music: Stamatis Spanoudakis – “You will come as a lightning”


You will come as a lightning
The country will have feast
The sea, the earth and the sky
In your light
I will wear white clothes
To touch you again
You light and me heart
How much I love you

King of Kings Help the King
Mercy, mercy, God, of Heaven
Constantine Dragases Palaiologos
By the grace of God Emperor of Romans
In the Gate of Saint Romanus
Astride on his whitelegged mare
Four Betas, mercy, mercy, Marmaras
Bosphorus and Black Tuesday
Shiver sun, groan earth
The City has fallen, the City has fallen
The Queen of Cities, golden gate
And Porphyrogenitus in the Red Apple-tree
The city was the sabre, the city was spear
The city was the key of the entire Roman Empire
Fall silent Mother of God and don’t cry much
With years and times will be Yours again

In the Gate of Saint Romanus
You went away to another place
And an angel will bring you here
In right time
Inside the Hagia Sophia
We will find each other again on future liturgy
Greeks together

Constantine Dragases Palaiologos


Thá ‘rtheis san astrapí
thá’ chei i chóra giortí
thálassa gi kai ouranós
sto dikó sou fos.
Tha ntythó sta lefká
na s’ angíxo xaná
fos esý kai kardiá mou egó
póso s’ agapó.

Vasiléfs Vasiléon, Vasileí Voíthei,
éleos, éleos Epouránie Theé
Konstantínos Dragátsis Palaiológos,
éleo Theoú Aftokrátor ton Romaíon.
Stin pýli tou agíou Romanoú,
kavaliká tin fára tou tin aspropodarátin,
Téssera Víta, éleos, éleos,
Marmarás, Vósporos kai Mávri Tríti
Fríxon ílie, sténaxon gi,
Eálo í póli, Eálo i póli
Vasilévousa, pýli chrysí
ki o porfyrogénnitos stin kókkini miliá.
I póli ítan to spathí, i póli to kontári,
i póli ítan to kleidí tis Romanías ólis
Sópase Kyrá Déspoina kai min polydakrýzeis,
páli me chrónia me kairoús, páli diká Sou thá nai.

Stin pýli tou agíou Romanoú
éfyges gia alloú
ki ángelos tha se férei edó
ston sostó kairó.
Mes tin Ágia Sofiá
tha vrethoúme xaná
leitourgía mellontikí oi Éllines mazí.

Konstantínos Dragátsis Palaiológos