Fr. Iulian Prodromitul - When the soul leaves the body / Cand sufletul paraseste trupul Wisdom from Mount Athos (WMA) Series - S01E01 Fr. Iulian from Mount Athos talks about the moment when the soul will leave the body and will go to heaven... Will find there all the saints and fathers, starting with Adam…

Fr. Iulian Prodromitul – When the soul leaves the body / Cand sufletul paraseste trupul
Wisdom from Mount Athos (WMA) Series – S01E01

Fr. Iulian from Mount Athos talks about the moment when the soul will leave the body and will go to heaven…
Will find there all the saints and fathers, starting with Adam and Eve, Patriarchs, Angels and even God Himself, for “we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).

Fr. I.: “You will remember my words: ‘I live like in a dream, I live like in a night, nothing is so certain as the death…’ The life that has passed was a dream! That’s exactly how you will think…”

Pr. Iulian de la Muntele Athos vorbeste despre clipa in care sufletul paraseste trupul si merge in rai…