Wisdom of The Desert Fathers is a new series to our channel that focuses on the lives, miracles, and wisdom of important Orthodox ascetics. In the seventh video of the series we discuss the life of Saint David of Thessaloniki and his great asceticism. We also recount some of the many miracles he worked while…

Wisdom of The Desert Fathers is a new series to our channel that focuses on the lives, miracles, and wisdom of important Orthodox ascetics. In the seventh video of the series we discuss the life of Saint David of Thessaloniki and his great asceticism. We also recount some of the many miracles he worked while he was still alive; which include him healing a blind woman and freeing a possessed man.

Elder Cleopa Discusses His Life – https://youtu.be/zYxXkLdvuEI
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Ephrem The Syrian – https://youtu.be/M6ggyreG9vA
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Pachomius The Great – https://youtu.be/_vEIaMHnyb0
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Macarius The Great – https://youtu.be/1Cq4usPdFVs
On Creation, Divine Light, The Age of The World – https://youtu.be/StXSb3neQcw

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Saint David lived around Thessaloniki his whole life, and he accepted the monastic calling from early on. He later withdrew into an almond tree; taking after the example of Saints Simeon and Daniel the Stylites. Here he prayed and fasted with great asceticism.

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