Fr. Professor Ilie Moldovan - In our Christianity we eat God / Il mancam pe Dumnezeu Theology and Spirituality (TS) Series - S01E01 Fr. Ilie († 2012) was a renowned professor of Morals at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Sibiu, Romania. Fr. Ilie Moldovan: "We don't have God only in the conceptual sense of…

Fr. Professor Ilie Moldovan – In our Christianity we eat God / Il mancam pe Dumnezeu
Theology and Spirituality (TS) Series – S01E01

Fr. Ilie († 2012) was a renowned professor of Morals at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Sibiu, Romania.

Fr. Ilie Moldovan: “We don’t have God only in the conceptual sense of the word… In our Christianity, especially Orthodox, we have God in a so real way that we consume God. We eat God, look! Perhaps this expression could be slightly improved: not only we consume God, but He consumes us…”

Full video recording here (in Romanian):