When most people read the Old Testament, they read with the belief they are reading about the saved people of God. If the Old Testament is a story about God saving His people from death, the story is a failure since every human being, righteous and sinful with the exception of Elias and Enoch, dies…

When most people read the Old Testament, they read with the belief they are reading about the saved people of God. If the Old Testament is a story about God saving His people from death, the story is a failure since every human being, righteous and sinful with the exception of Elias and Enoch, dies in the Old Testament. But if the Old Testament is the story of the SAVIOR rather than the saved, it is a great success. The Old Testament is a story about how God, just in the nick of time, provides a savior to continue the human race, so He can enter into His Creation at Christmas. The entire Old Testament is the story of the lineage of Jesus Christ and not the lineage of the Saved. This is why on the Sunday before Christmas, the Church reads the genealogy of Jesus Christ as written in the Gospel According to Matthew. When we read the Old Testament in this way, we are better prepared to greet Him at Christmas as our Savior. God has saved us from the materialism of the world and all the fallen passions. Although we will still die like those of the Old Testament, God has something better for us when He returns. Although we still struggle like those of the Old Testament, God has something better for us when He returns.