The holy Eanswythe, royal daughter in the Kingdom of Kent, reposed in 640 after a short, but extraordinary life of service and prayer. She was fervent in prayer, cared the poor, and even caused a stream to flow uphill bringing her monastery fresh water. While her relics we rediscovered in 1885, in early 2020 scientists…

The holy Eanswythe, royal daughter in the Kingdom of Kent, reposed in 640 after a short, but extraordinary life of service and prayer. She was fervent in prayer, cared the poor, and even caused a stream to flow uphill bringing her monastery fresh water. While her relics we rediscovered in 1885, in early 2020 scientists have examined her holy bones and confirmed they are most likely that of St. Eanswythe. Of course, the faithful of Folkestone and beyond have known this for some time and continue to find consolation by her holy prayers.

“With gladsome voices and hymns of praise let us extol the venerable Eanswythe, who, setting aside rich princely apparel, gladly put on the mean and lowly habit of a nun; and, in place of the idle pursuits of the royal court, set herself boldly to acquire all the virtues. Wherefore, having pleased Christ by her charity and love, she ever intercedeth with Him to have mercy on our souls.” -Troparion to St. Eanswythe

The Orthodox Church commemorates St. Eanswythe on August 31st. Holy Mother Eanswythe, pray to God for us!

Find the troparion and her complete service text here:

The text is found in the “Saints of England’s Golden Age” published by the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies.

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