The account of St. Cuthbert's life by his contemporary, the Venerable Bede, translated in the 19th century by J. A. Giles, and adapted in 2019 by Timothy Honeycutt. St. Cuthbert is a man of universal importance and the most venerated saint of Lindisfarne and Northern England. Through his many miracles and faithful witness, he has…

The account of St. Cuthbert’s life by his contemporary, the Venerable Bede, translated in the 19th century by J. A. Giles, and adapted in 2019 by Timothy Honeycutt.

St. Cuthbert is a man of universal importance and the most venerated saint of Lindisfarne and Northern England. Through his many miracles and faithful witness, he has inspired, and continues to inspire, countless people to live for Christ. Pilgrims can still venerate his relics, travel to his islands, and find consolation by his prayers.

Go to to DOWNLOAD:

-Adapted Text of The Life of St. Cuthbert (PDF)
-Audiobook of The Life of St. Cuthbert (mp3)

This is the audiobook of the adapted text by Timothy Honeycutt. The intended goal of this adaptation is to maintain the integrity of the original text, both in substance and in style, while adding clarity in two different ways: first, by substituting select antiquated words with more modern, yet reverent, language; secondly, with a desire to help Eastern Christians learn more about this blessed saint of the West, since during St. Cuthbert’s time the Faith in the East and in the West was one and the same, certain religious terminology more common in the East has been used.

Both the text and the audiobook are in the public domain. Commercial profit is forbidden.

Icon of St. Cuthbert by Lee Harvey:

“Northumbria is exceeding glad, cherishing the sacred relics of the holy Cuthbert in its bosom; and England exulteth in his intercessions; but all the Orthodox throughout the world trust in his heavenly mediation.”
–From the Service to St. Cuthbert

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