In every crisis, one thing is important: prayer. Coronavirus can be defeated by this. “We want people of prayer, burning prayer, with humility and repentance. We need this and everything else will be solved. Saint Paisios said: ‘If one of you prays correctly, they will disappear in 3 months.’ And indeed, in 3 months all the wolves died. They caught some bacteria and died.”
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Sermon of Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol, Cyprus, 12/11/2020
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Metropolitan Athanasios:
In 1990, when I was a representative of the Holy Community of Mount Athos, Mount Athos was full of wolves. Paradoxically, many wolves entered Mount Athos. Those of you who came to Mount Athos at that time remember that it was dangerous. Wolves ate many animals and mules that served the Fathers. Visitors and monks were in danger. So we went to St. Paisios and we said to him: “Father, we have a big problem with wolves, they will start eating people!” And it was a really serious issue. And it was a really serious issue. Then Father says: “Aren’t you ashamed? To bring here the hunters… Pray and the wolves will leave!” “But how can we pray that wolves would leave?” “If one of you prays correctly, they will disappear in 3 months.” And indeed, in 3 months all the wolves died. They caught some bacteria and died. Of course, the one who prayed was Father Paisios. So, prayer is needed. The virus will disappear if we pray. We want people of prayer, burning prayer, with humility and repentance. We need this and everything else will be solved.
Хвала за превод! Thank you very much for your effort! God bless you!
Their is 100 known viruses and influnza and coronas happen every year along with other influenza viruses. Thats why the good lord gave us an immune system. Beware of the vaccine it makes women sterile the globalists are into depopulation. They are destroying economies jobs. Historically coronvirus vaccines have a terrible record. Animals vaccinated ended up very sick and many dying.
💛🕊from Belgrade.
Now seems to be a very important time to increase our prayers. Prayer and humble repentance, through these will.we not only save our own souls but also make a difference to the current crises of the epidemic and other issues prevalent in the world today.
please translate this ….. and if you let me …. i would translate in spanish too. Thank you very much!
Amen Amen Amen.
I don't know.. If the wolves got a microbe and died, it was probably from some of the domestic animals they killed, and then easily spread to the whole pack.
I doubt that God kills packs of wild animals only trying to survive, just because some panicked people think that they will start eating people. That's how people think also about the bears and wolves who are left and still surviving in some places after humans destroyed and are still destroying their natural habitat. That's not what humans are supposed to do on this earth, to destroy it and to eliminate the other creatures who inhabit it. See revelation 11:18: "and to destroy those who are destroying the earth."
Wolves are usually afraid of humans and are avoiding them. They do not see humans as their prey and they're only interested in the other animals around; that's the reason why wolves were there, because there was livestock.
Paisios was right about not to call hunters to start killing the poor animals; that would be a non spiritual, terrible, brutal and wrong thing to do (but, unfortunately, that's what most people and communities chose and think they are entitled to do in similar cases) , and not the way godly people should act in the world. There are many other nonviolent, more intelligent and humane ways to deal with or to remove wild animals. His call to prayer and pacience (rather than for a hunter) was his trust in God that this problem will be solved naturally, with no need for the people to disturb the natural way of things established by God. Prayer is integration and trust in God's will. Maybe that was no place for the wolves to be, and there was no other at that time, so it happened to them what was supposed to happen.
Asa e,cu rugaciuni staruitoare,neincetate cu smerenie si pocainta…dispare si virusul..,,cautati imparatia lui Dumnezeu si toate celelalte vi se vor adauga,voua,,…
Doamne ajută!
Doamne ajută tuturor!
Sf. Paisie roagă-te lui Dumnezeu pentru noi ! ❤🙏❤
Vă citez din BIBLIE Galateni cap1 ver8 Dar chiar dacă noi înșine sau un înger din cer ar veni să vă propovăduiască o Evanghelie deosebită de aceea pe care v-am propăvăduit-o noi să fie ANATEMA. Cu acest verset distrugi toată ortodoxia este închinarea la morții, sf,Maica DOMNULUI, icoane este scris în BIBLIE nu atunci să fie ANATEMA este pomelnicele,canoanele,acatistele,pomenirea morților,pomeni este scris în BIBLIE nu atunci să fie ANATEMA. Fiți binecuvântati și luminați de ADEVĂR..
Deci la origine, "metania" înseamnă "pocăință"! Interesant!
Amin. Amin. Binecuvinteaza Parinte Paisie.
Sfantul Paisie: "vor nascoci o boala doar ca sa va poata vaccina"
Să ne rugăm încontinuu lui Dumnezeu să ne ierte păcatele..
Fake virus,fake pandemy
I am Catholic and agree,put your faith in God
Sfinte parinte Paiele roagă.te împreună cu Preasfanta Născătoare de Dumnezeu pentru noi,pacatosii
St Pio pray for us.
GOD works in mysterious ways.
Amen, amen, amen!!!
If God wills it.
If one of you prays correctly, they will disappear in 3 months. Amin.. Need thus for pandemic virus also that hitted nowadays. Thank you Father
Through prayer we can remove the agents of this contagion and the virus too and through prayer no need for a jab containing aborted babies is a biological warfare weapon
Haha! Of course it was him! St. Paisios pray for us!
The kind of prayer seems to me very important. I saw many prayers but the virus was so strong. But at the same time some people by god's Grace didn't catch the virus . What made me Sad was to see many brazilians Christians but protestants earning publicity Power and money in the suspicious prayers . But i have to say that the humility of the russian orthodox church in the middle of the Pandemic gave me Hope . Since they had followed some protocolls as saw in the internet.
Sfântul Părinte Paisie Aghioritul spunea : rugăciunea spusă din inimă, are mai multă putere decât o mie de cuvinte! Să avem parte de rugăciunile sale! Cu ale sale rugăciuni, Doamne miluiește – ne pe noi și ne mânuiește! Amin!