A discussion about the differences between the Orthodox Christian and Roman Catholic teachings on prayer for departed souls. Please note: This is our LAST SHOW until AFTER Bright Week. For obvious reasons, we can't do a show for next week (Holy Week) and I think we've done enough shows that we can afford a week…

A discussion about the differences between the Orthodox Christian and Roman Catholic teachings on prayer for departed souls.

Please note: This is our LAST SHOW until AFTER Bright Week. For obvious reasons, we can’t do a show for next week (Holy Week) and I think we’ve done enough shows that we can afford a week off for celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord. God willing, we’ll be back after that. Have a joyous Palm Sunday and Holy Week as we approach the Resurrection! CHRIST IS RISEN.


Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov) of Moscow [+1882] “Observations on Purgatory”

First Homily of St. Mark of Ephesus on Purgatory

Orthodox Response to Latin Doctrine of Purgatory at Florence

Longer Russian Catechsim, Questions 373-377

The Orthodox Confession of the Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church
Questions 64-68

Decree 18 from the 1672 Synod of Jerusalem:
We believe that the souls of those that have fallen asleep are either at rest or in torment, according to what each has done; — for when they are separated from their bodies, they depart immediately either to joy, or to sorrow and lamentation; though confessedly neither their enjoyment nor condemnation are complete. For after the common resurrection, when the soul shall be united with the body, with which it had behaved itself well or ill, each shall receive the completion of either enjoyment or of condemnation.

And the souls of those involved in mortal sins, who have not departed in despair but while still living in the body, though without bringing forth any fruits of repentance, have repented — by pouring forth tears, by kneeling while watching in prayers, by afflicting themselves, by relieving the poor, and finally by showing forth by their works their love towards God and their neighbor, and which the Catholic Church has from the beginning rightly called satisfaction — [their souls] depart into Hades, and there endure the punishment due to the sins they have committed. But they are aware of their future release from there, and are delivered by the Supreme Goodness, through the prayers of the Priests, and the good works which the relatives of each do for their Departed; especially the unbloody Sacrifice benefiting the most; which each offers particularly for his relatives that have fallen asleep, and which the Catholic and Apostolic Church offers daily for all alike. Of course, it is understood that we do not know the time of their release. We know and believe that there is deliverance for such from their direful condition, and that before the common resurrection and judgment, but when we know not.