Orthodox Church in late August 2016 organized Cross Procession in St Petersburg in honor of st. Alexander Nevsky. Russian saint and prince that defeated Latin godless Crusade in 1240 and German-Lithuanian invasion in 1242. In 1249 st. Alexander Nevsky was summoned by powerful pagan Mongolian Khan to Khan's tent for submission, while there, Alexander Nevsky…

Orthodox Church in late August 2016 organized Cross Procession in St Petersburg in honor of st. Alexander Nevsky. Russian saint and prince that defeated Latin godless Crusade in 1240 and German-Lithuanian invasion in 1242.
In 1249 st. Alexander Nevsky was summoned by powerful pagan Mongolian Khan to Khan’s tent for submission, while there, Alexander Nevsky refused to bow to idols and confessed Orthodox Christian Faith.
In 1249 st. Alexander Nevsky rejected Latin heresy and turned down Latin cardinals Galat and Gemont sent by pope Innocent IV.
St. Alexander died in 1263 as a retired great-prince and monk of the Orthodox Church.
In 2008 st. Alexander Nevsky was proclaimed to be the most important person in Russian history.