St. Theodore was born in 602, not in England, but in Tarsus (present-day Turkey), and was called at an advanced age to serve the British. He labored diligently, called councils to heal divisions, and laboring to establish the Church. The Venerable Bede says St. Theodore was "the first Archbishop whom the whole of the English…

St. Theodore was born in 602, not in England, but in Tarsus (present-day Turkey), and was called at an advanced age to serve the British. He labored diligently, called councils to heal divisions, and laboring to establish the Church. The Venerable Bede says St. Theodore was “the first Archbishop whom the whole of the English Church obeyed.” In 1091, after England had fallen away from the Orthodox Church, his relics were found to be still incorrupt.

The Orthodox Church commemorates St. Theodore on September 19th. Holy Father Theodore, pray to God for us!

The text is found in the “Saints of England’s Golden Age” published by the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies.

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