The notion that Orthodox Christianity is not a 'religion" if we define "religion" as a system of appeasing God or gods, is discussed in a round-table forum. The notion as found in the writings of Fr. John Romanides is used as a starting point for the discussion. This is PART 2 of 3.
The notion that Orthodox Christianity is not a ‘religion” if we define “religion” as a system of appeasing God or gods, is discussed in a round-table forum. The notion as found in the writings of Fr. John Romanides is used as a starting point for the discussion. This is PART 2 of 3.
@MultiPropagandaPanda I will suggest, bye all means exsplain Orthodoxy,but stop completely,comparitives ,with the west ,particularly,THE Catholic Church,which I have yet to hear from such videos as this,a single sober ,honest….and correct exergises on Catholic doctrine! Unfortunetly,it is your zeal ,and bias cast in a sincerity of trying to enlighten the west,that actually led me away from Orthodoxy,and the unfair way you paint the Catholic doctrin and Church.My suggestion is stop purgering
i have been studying Orthodoxy for some years.In the process,I have bumped into such videos as above.I am a Catholic,and have studied it 38 years.When Orthodox give an example of a so called western view as compared to Orthodoxy,one hears over and over a false,incorrect,definetly incomplete,inadaqate and many times unfair examples,put together more often then not a historical prejudeses,which paints befor your hearers a Catholic Church FULL of idiots! Catholics (not x or radicals exsplain doc.
Dear Hermit of DW,
Please point us to specific points in the program that you take issue with, and explain what that issue is.
We thank you for watching and commenting.
@GreekOrthodoxTV First ,thank you for asking me to point out specific points,that at least is reassuring! Rather then attempt a full answer which would be requirerd,to do you and the Catholic position,if you are sinserly interested,why not invite to your show,a real Catholic mystical theologen,when explaining things on PRAYER,and the nous,or noetic prayer,etc.who can give you and your viuwers an accurate acount and comparison,that way both sides would bennefit? This balance would only add,to
@hermitofdw …your program and add a wider range of viewers.What I have learned by watching progams as yours apart from the complaints is there is much more in common,just different words then you might think,besides some interesting differences.As for myself answering,I would do a poor job of it,being largly self taught ,with no formal degrees,its not an excuse,just a fact.Yes I have read near 10,000 books ,hundreds of videos,and cassetts,I have practised all the major religions at on time or
@hermitofdw even practised the occults,anthroposphy,theosophy,Rosurcrutions and on and on,was a member of various protestand denominations,a sufi,hindu ,and alittle buddism.I often traveled to distantlands so to practise,right in the headquarters ,when possible.In fact I have lived and worked in 10 different countries,and been to many more.I had but one goal…Is there such thing as TRUTH, GOD,or is there only your truth vs,mine….ie…no truth at all.? After 40 years of all the above I believe
@hermitofdw God,and there is such a thing as Truth,I found it in the Catholic Church,and I am certain,had I bumped into the Orthodox first I would have found both there.Yes after 30 years of apologetic study,I know there are differances……but I am no longer interested in the issues,I cant solve them, and you both are part of one Church,for me.Jesus said,by this all men will know you are my deciples,'That ye LOVE one another". over the centuries,the absence of that love,has devided us,
@hermitofdw both sides are guilty,and what a mess both sides have made.The only solution is LOVE MUST BE AT THE BEGINING OF A UNION,LOVE MUST KEEP IT,LOVE CAN ONLY BRING IT ABOUT.Humility a virtue both sides exsplain so well,must be the self relection image,we see in ourselves,we are deaf ,dumb and blind to that imageof ourselves ,especially as regards east and west.For myself,I refuse to see or be involved any longer in seperation. THERE IS ONLY ONE CHURCH,EAST AND WEST,Jesus does not err,men
@hermitofdw ….does,however.Theologically,well,my arqument makes no sense,but for me ,and spiritually,love is the only solution.I hope my long winded answer,wasen,t wasting to much of your time,and I hope you take my advice ,for everyons sake about getting some theologens who can enlighten everyone as to the real Catholic teaching on the topics under discussion.One of the four rules I set myself to live bye was,never take as true,what one church says about another churches teaching,a good rule!
Dear Hermit of DW,
GOCTV has as its purpose the presentation of the Orthodox Church, not the presentation of other faith traditions, except to compare them to Orthodoxy. The Latin tradition has a large witness on the internet, there is no need for us to contribute to that. We need to point out that we consider your premise of there being 2 'churches" to be a false one. There is only one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. That Church is not the Vatican. It is the Orthodox Church.
There is an empirical and "speculative" theology in the Catholic Church, this isn't the first time I've seen in this series (a series I truly appreciate and think is a good series) where one half of the Catholic understanding of God and theology is given as an example of how Latins contradict the "true" (Orthodox) understanding, meanwhile there is usually a counterpart in Catholicism which is near the same as the Orthodox belief, and that counterpoint is not presented. I'm not sure if this is out of ignorance, or simply just because their is an assumption that the common viewer will understand and already has the required background knowledge (which I would doubt).