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Illustration and Narration: Me (Reader Bojan Teodosijević)
Music used: Final Battle of the Dark Wizards / Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Even though im a Calvinist (predestination) I enjoy your vids.
Very cool artistic translation 10/10
The border between the halo and Jesus on Nestorianism is a nice, subtle touch.
Church of Christ Scientists follow Docetism. Since they teach all matter is evil.
Someone should write a book explaining all of these in great detail.
Guys I am the only one who is traumatised?? Most of the information gave me black out I will not lie!
I've had too many conversations with Protestants who fall into Nestorius's thought or similar thinking.
That ending on calvinism was great
2:00 when you hear “and from the Son” from 20 miles away
Ive literally read deny Mary is the Mother of God.
If Mary isnt the Mother of God, then who the hell did she gave birth to?
Who the hell did she raised?
Who and What is Jesus then?
Thank you for these videos. I’m having a struggle with religion at the moment. I was Roman Catholic, but I seemed to have lapsed due to personal issues and a lot of research (I didn’t have the right intentions going in, and there were a lot of controversies that I could no longer rationalize). I still identify myself as a Christian, but I’m not really practicing at all. Eventually I want to go back to Church, and if I ever have kids I want to include at least some degree of religion into their upbringing. I’m on the fence between Eastern Orthodoxy and Anglo Catholicism, but I want to wait because I have a long history of commitment issues, i.e. I tend to get obsessed with one interest and eventually burn out and get depressed. I know I’m rambling, but I felt like I needed an outlet. I don’t know if prayer really works, but if you can pray for me that would be nice.
Hey, Lutheran Satire called. Donall and Conall want their analogies back, Patrick!
Seriously, great vid tho! If you haven't checked out Lutheran Satire, you totally should!
Аријанство, несторијанство и иконоборство могу донекле да разумем, то су озбиљне јереси, које тумаче Библију на начин различит од цркве. А ово остало су све тешке будалаштине које су веома примамљиве теоретичарима завере, на пример: Да ли је Исус Христос био ванземаљац, да ли је имао децу, да ли је био Србин, где је "права" Библија и слично. Фасцинира ме то колико се јереси и секте међусобно разликују (мислим на хришћанске секте). Од оних што другачије тумаче Библију, до оних које је уопште не признају. Ове што другачије тумаче Библију могу бити веома опасне, као што су Јеховини сведоци. Ова друга категорија ми је прилично смешна, мада не треба ни такви ствари занемарити, пошто су многе ствари популарне међу теоретичарима завере, којих има у свим религијама. Такве ствари су на пример онај "Да Винчијев код" слично. Мислим да на те ствари треба обратити пажњу. Посебно треба обратити пажњу на неопаганске секте које су популарне у словенским земљама. Јесте да то нису хришћанске секте, али врло често причају да је Исус Христос Србин и те ствари. Углавном се ослањају на неку своју алтернативну историју, која може бити привлачна онима који не верују у досељавање Словена у 7. веку, међу којима сам и ја, па се често упецам на те ствари. Некад се знају крити под маскама православља и национализма. Помињем их зато што подржавају нека гностичка учења, на пример они о Демијургу. Иначе одличан видео. Препоручујем вам да се позабавите темом неопаганизма, кога на жалост има у Србији и Русији, мада има их и у другим земљама.
The last one scared me…. just the voice
iconoclasm is not heresy
Well in Greek we say αυτό το Άγιο πνεύμα which means it, the holy spirit. It's not heresy for us it's just how Greek works. But in English we say he because he(the holy spirit) is a person of the trinity, so I get it.
I've been coming back to this every month or so! By far my favorite of all your videos, simply amazing artwork!
I'd never thought that there would be a lot of false belief in my own religion but luckily the truth remains…Christ is our Savior..we are he's people ,the lord is our father..
Good video. Did you forget the Gnostics (that whole Davinci Code craziness)? Maybe it needs a video all to itself? Thank you.
Romans 9:18
“So then he has mercy on whomever he wills and he hardens whomever he wills.”
I didn't know that I almost became a full on heretic, thank Christ that I watched this video
Sad but true Church of Christ preaches predestination
New Christian movements and sects are restoring these doctrines.
All Christianity is a heresy in Judaism and Islam.
Gnosticism believes that Jesus is Cthulhu. 😂 so cool.
This a powerful and frankly ingenious way of teaching about heresy in the Church. At the same time my heart can't help but twist inside my body seeing these false icons. It really powerfully illustrates the very real destructive power heresy can have and how it obscures the the inconceivable beauty of the Love of Christ. Thank you so much for making this video, even if it made me cry at some points.❤😅
Please help me understand iconoclasm. Acts 10:25 says that Peter rebuked Cornelius for bowing to him. I have always thought that if Peter saw me do homage to him (for lack of a better word) that he would be very angry, and that God would be very angry.
I kinda think the holy ghost is a force but like not a "action by god" but a force in us all
Hi, I have a question many Protestants asked me why do you have pictures or images of Christ ?
When I ask them they say that Christ is formless and he should not be depicted on icon , statues , etc. When Christ was on Earth he came with a form but when he returned he became formless like God in thr Old Testament.
I am from India (North India) and I have come across these types of questions many times .
Can you please tell which type of heresy will it come under ??