In times of crisis, our faith is not only challenged from within, it is challenged from others. While we normally encourage faithful to attend Church at difficult times, and to brings friends and relatives who need God’s healing, today we are encouraging faithful to remain home for the health and safety of others. For those…

In times of crisis, our faith is not only challenged from within, it is challenged from others. While we normally encourage faithful to attend Church at difficult times, and to brings friends and relatives who need God’s healing, today we are encouraging faithful to remain home for the health and safety of others. For those who stay home, this does not mean they have lost their faith in God, nor does attending Church deny the truth of science. As Orthodox Christians, we welcome the partnership of faith and science. We believe God is all-powerful, AND that He has given us science as a gift to glorify Him. When we hold strong to this truth, others will witness our faith and be drawn to God because of our faith. This was the case with the healing of the paralytic found in Mark 2.1-12, and it can be the case with today’s health crisis.