On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Church reinforces the truth of God’s incarnation in the person of Jesus Christ. We proclaim this truth, though we were not ourselves present. We do so, because someone sometime painted an icon of Him. The defense of Holy Icons isn’t about art, but about the truth of God’s incarnation.…

On the Sunday of Orthodoxy, the Church reinforces the truth of God’s incarnation in the person of Jesus Christ. We proclaim this truth, though we were not ourselves present. We do so, because someone sometime painted an icon of Him. The defense of Holy Icons isn’t about art, but about the truth of God’s incarnation. Jesus didn’t just speak to us from heaven. He became one of us to save us. The Disciples had been preparing for God’s appearance their entire life, so when He appeared, they were ready for Him. For more than two thousand years, the Church has invited others to Come and See Christ present for real in the Church and in history.