Fr. Rafail Noica - Probably Fr. Sophrony already knew your name / Probabil ca Pr. Sofronie iti stia numele Available subtitles: English (press CC button) Fr. Raphael Noica remembers an encounter of Fr. Sophrony with a young Greek student named Christodoulos (servant of Christ in Greek) that asked for a blessing. Fr. Sophrony probably already…

Fr. Rafail Noica – Probably Fr. Sophrony already knew your name / Probabil ca Pr. Sofronie iti stia numele

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English (press CC button)

Fr. Raphael Noica remembers an encounter of Fr. Sophrony with a young Greek student named Christodoulos (servant of Christ in Greek) that asked for a blessing. Fr. Sophrony probably already knew his name so he was just playing with the young man…

Pr. Rafail Noica isi aminteste o intalnire a Pr. Sofronie cu un tanar student grec numit Hristodoulos (robul lui Hristos in greaca) care i-a cerut binecuvantarea. Pr. Sofronie probabil ii stia deja numele asa ca s-a “jucat” putin cu acest tanar…