Fr Rafail Noica - Fr Sophrony: "I have no teeth anymore!" / Pr. Sofronie: "Nu mai am niciun dinte!" Available subtitles: English (press CC button) Romanian Fr. Raphael Noica remembers a funny moment with Fr. Sophrony [Sakharov] and a shy young student girl that was afraid of meeting with Fr. Sophrony. This reveals, somehow, the…

Fr Rafail Noica – Fr Sophrony: “I have no teeth anymore!” / Pr. Sofronie: “Nu mai am niciun dinte!”

Available subtitles:
English (press CC button)

Fr. Raphael Noica remembers a funny moment with Fr. Sophrony [Sakharov] and a shy young student girl that was afraid of meeting with Fr. Sophrony. This reveals, somehow, the sense of humor of Fr. Sophrony and his naturalness in behavior and appearance.

Pr. Rafail Noica rememoreaza un moment amuzant cu Pr. Sofronie [Saharov] si o tanara studenta sfioasa careia ii era frica sa-l intalneasca pe Pr. Sofronie. Aceasta descopera, intr-o masura, simtul umorului pe care-l avea Pr. Sofronie si naturaletea, firescul sau in purtare.