In this video elder Proclu Nicău of Romania gives advise to the faithful of today on how to live a Christian and God pleasing life. He discusses the importance of prayer, repentance, and forgiveness, as well as how to fight against your thoughts. WATCH NEXT: Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Onuphrius The Great -…

In this video elder Proclu Nicău of Romania gives advise to the faithful of today on how to live a Christian and God pleasing life. He discusses the importance of prayer, repentance, and forgiveness, as well as how to fight against your thoughts.

Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Onuphrius The Great –
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Pachomius The Great –
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Ephrem The Syrian –
The Virgin Mary Portaitissa Icon of the Iviron Monastery –
Practical Questions and Answers with Elder Arsenie –

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Elder Proclu Nicău was a monk at the monastery of Sihăstria under the spiritual guidance of Elder Cleopas and Elder Paisie Olaru. He later, with the blessing of Elder Cleopas, lived in seclusion in a small hut on the edge of a village for decades; where he lived in asceticism so that he could grow closer to God.

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