Father Zaharia Zaharou in this video discusses the importance of living a life centered in Christ. He recalls the words of his spiritual father, Saint Sophrony of Essex, who would emphasize the importance of each person having a "voluntary death" and a spiritual renewal; in the same way Christ was crucified and rose on the…

Father Zaharia Zaharou in this video discusses the importance of living a life centered in Christ. He recalls the words of his spiritual father, Saint Sophrony of Essex, who would emphasize the importance of each person having a “voluntary death” and a spiritual renewal; in the same way Christ was crucified and rose on the third day.

Do Not Worry // Abbot Raphael – https://youtu.be/aU_PW1KuCbU
“There’s Hope Even For Stones” // Metropolitan Athanasios – https://youtu.be/wiryfEx2a4Y
The End Times and Spiritual Advice // Saint Paisios the Athonite – https://youtu.be/jUsl7GmVZi0
Elder Cleopa Advice For Youth – https://youtu.be/nDvS9dNEi1Q
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint David of Thessaloniki – https://youtu.be/-x12VwLpEJg
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Gerasimos of Jordan – https://youtu.be/u5t5PRlBzVw

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