The Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, by Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen), lesson 11 Summary: The Basis of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church ( Section XI. Personal and National Health Section: XII (1-3). Problems of Bioethics Includes discussions of Orthodox views on sickness and suffering, alternative medicine, mental health, abortion, contraception, and…

The Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, by Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen), lesson 11
The Basis of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church (
Section XI. Personal and National Health
Section: XII (1-3). Problems of Bioethics
Includes discussions of Orthodox views on sickness and suffering, alternative medicine, mental health, abortion, contraception, and Christian sexual morality.

Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Washington, DC
December 1, 2020
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