Father Cyril of Vatopedi in this video discusses the current Coronavirus pandemic and why God has allowed it take place. He goes on to say that over the years humans have strayed further and further away from God, and that through this pandemic God knows that He can bring people back to Him through repentance and humility.
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint Arsenius the Great – https://youtu.be/WwpzAtpL3Wk
A Life In Christ // Father Zaharia Zaharou – https://youtu.be/gTQF2NMaVdc
Do Not Worry // Abbot Raphael – https://youtu.be/aU_PW1KuCbU
“There’s Hope Even For Stones” // Metropolitan Athanasios – https://youtu.be/wiryfEx2a4Y
Elder Cleopa Advice For Youth – https://youtu.be/nDvS9dNEi1Q
Wisdom of The Desert Fathers: Saint David of Thessaloniki – https://youtu.be/-x12VwLpEJg
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Such wise words thank you!
So well put! Fear really has paralyzed the world!
Some say a Cypriot Fr said there will be earthquakes next & then a global war. And that its purpose is not to punish, but to awaken. Have you too heard that?
Beautiful healing words that impart hope to the heart. What we so desperately need these days. Thank you so much! 🙏
I think the virus has indeed come to call us back to God for our own good. When it has served its purpose it will wane into the background
This lovely video contains many truths thanks for sharing 💛🌞💛🌞💛
Hristos a Înviat!
Everything what father said is true and stands except one important thing which is father is misinformed about current global situation. God help us in coming years as we will be hunted down as were first Christians.
I would love to send this in my newsletter that I send twice a month to men in prison, so are these words available in text? Priest seraphim Holland seraphim@orthodox.net
Is this father a monk? Where is Vatopedi? His words are more wise than anything I have heard. However they may mandate vaccines which are experimental genetic engineering. Truthseekers are discovering a dark agenda with this virus. A german lawyer is finally speaking out and you can see him on the video Crimes against Humanity. DR. Reiner Fuellmich. Educate yourself on what may be happening and the anti-God DNA altering vaccines.
Amazing words.
And #REALLY AS I have penned on FB very much in agreement with Father Cyril's Logos! "God Has Got This"!
What is that very very beautiful chanting after the Greek one?
Excellent teaching ,of what is happening now ,people wake up to Gods ways and see where are u with God
Thank you for these profound words of comfort.
Man made bio weapon,,man made solution,,,i believe that humans are sheep,,and going to be led to slaughter due to controlling elites,bankers,faith is weak at this time