Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou tells us about his encounter with Saint Paisios the Athonite. This is a very good message for new year, when our main struggle should be to fill up the vessel God gave us: “There are people who have a vessel as large as a cup of coffee. If they manage to fill this cup, that’s ‘excellent’. If one has a jar and fills it up to 2/3, that’s not ‘excellent!”
Video source: RumOrthodox, Cyprus, 2015,
English translation based on RumOrthodox version.
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Metropolitan Neophytos:
They felt “the taste” of the Holy Grace… and they sought it in every way.
Particularly through [spiritual] exercise during their childhood.
In that way, they turned into “vessels” of the Holy Spirit. Really large vessels!
What do we mean by the term “vessels”.
This is part of Saint Paisios’ theology.
He told me: “Look, God gave you a large vessel… and it would be hard for you to fill it up”.
I couldn’t understand what he meant by saying “vessel”.
He said: “Listen, some people are born and ‘the vessel of their soul’ is as large as a thimble. If they manage to fill their thimble with the Grace of God… they get an ‘Excellent’…”
“There are people”, he told me, “who have a vessel as large as a cup of coffee. If they manage to fill this cup, that’s excellent.”
“There are some with ‘a vessel’ as large as a cup… others with one as large as a glass, others as large as a jar… some others have a tank and… a few have a dam. The dam, occasionally, overflows and irrigates the adjacent farmlands… The larger “the vessel of the Grace of God” the greater our responsibility…
Both towards God who gave it to us and towards our righteous ancestors… who made sure to prepare this vessel.
It is not due to our own skills and value. It is due to some mother, some father [we had]… some grandfather, some grandmother… to some priest, our family had in the past… a monk, a nun or some other righteous man.
And all these prepare the vessel of our soul. Contemporary people may call it DNA… or they may call it heredity. They may also give it another name… in accordance with the language of modern psychology.
However, no explanation was more accurate than the one St. Paisios left us with:
“Take care of the vessel, God gave you. Fill it up.”
“If one”, he told me, “who has a vessel for his soul as large as a glass, in case manages to fill it with God’s Grace… that’s “Excellent” for him/her.
“If”, he told me, “one has a jar and fills it up to 2/3, that’s not ‘Excellent!'”
The ending hit me right between the eyes. Thank you. – s
Lord help us fill our vessels!
Dumnezeu să ne ajute!
❤🙏❤ Să avem mijlocitor pe Sf. Paisie Aghioritul!
I guess that refers to our individual capacity, and spiritual gifts we've been given.. I wish he would have expounded on it a bit more. Thank you 🙏
OutStanding ! magnificent ! salvific thank you so much !!! 🙏🏻✝️
Thank you🙏🏻 very helpful, awesome🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖
Beautiful for everbody hristos a. Inviat
Doamne ajuta! Amin!
Hello. Can someone explain how, by the Grace of God, you will up your vessel all the way to overflowing? Thank you.
Sfinte Părinte Paisie Aghioritul roagă – te bunului Dumnezeu pentru noi păcătoșii și cea ( cel ) dintâi eu! Amin!
Să avem parte de rugăciunile sale! Cu ale sale rugăciuni, Doamne miluiește – ne pe noi și ne mânuiește! Amin!
Să ne amintim cu toții de cel mai minunat Cadou primit vreodată : Domnul nostru Iisus Hristos care a venit pe lume să ne mânuiască și să ne aducă fericirea veșnică! Hristos în mijlocul nostru!
Doamne Iertare și Mântuire! Doamne Mila Ta și Adevărul Tău pururea să ne sprijineasca! Doamne lumina și bucuria noastră, Slavă Ție! Amin!
Mulțumesc pentru ceea ce postați pentru noi -balsam pentru suflet 💕 Cuvintele sunt ființe vii capabile să facă treaba la care au fost trimise! Sufletele frumoase sunt chipuri ale luminii care știu a da aripi cuvintelor!
Mântuieste, Doamne, poporul Tău și binecuvântează moștenirea Ta, biruință binecredinciosilor creștini asupra celor potrivnici dăruiește și cu Crucea Ta păzește pe poporul Tău!
Wow, very meaningful words there! Kind of an encouragement to those of us with the thimble vessels, I think. I think it is another way of saying use what God has given each of us…we are responsible to give and carry what we can, not what another can. At the same time, if we don't fill even our tiny vessels, then we're in trouble.
English subtitles:
Αμήν what fresh perspective. Thank you
Multumim mult
Be excellent to each other
Thank God bless everybody