We are created to offer ourselves to God. To sanctify creation and bring it to God. The Lord restores thenproesthood to Christians at baptism. The presbyter leads the assembly in this offering and is given an exousia, a right to consecrate at the eucharist. But this is not the main point today.
We are created to offer ourselves to God. To sanctify creation and bring it to God. The Lord restores thenproesthood to Christians at baptism. The presbyter leads the assembly in this offering and is given an exousia, a right to consecrate at the eucharist. But this is not the main point today.
…now we have obtained mercy….wonderful!……TY Father
Wonderful videos Father. Could you do a video lesson specifically outlining the justifications for the married priesthood. I have a rudimentary idea, but I had entered a discussion with Latin Catholics who were not convinced by my assertion that priesthood included married men from the temple , to St Peter, to Paul’s letter to Timothy on the qualifications of the presbyter and his wife and children, to great saints Like St Spryidon who was widowed and temporarily raised his daughter from death…
I seem to recall that the late Fr Thomas Hopko taught a lesson on the defense of the married clergy by a saint in the time of the Ecumenical councils, to which I can’t recall the name, or the council.
Nothing convinces them, and of course, the patronizing comments, “that’s what all converts say to justify married priesthood… “. Then the onslaught of Latin papal documents.
Yes, I am a convert for only 20 years but I seem to recall that the issue was well documented and defense of married priesthood was well justified.
Thank you for your work.