At Grand Catholic Orthodox Divine Liturgy celebrated by 5 Orthodox Churches in Moscow (Antioch, Moscow, Belgrade, Czechia-Slovakia, America-Canada) Patriarch of Constantinople was no commemorated.
At Grand Catholic Orthodox Divine Liturgy celebrated by 5 Orthodox Churches in Moscow (Antioch, Moscow, Belgrade, Czechia-Slovakia, America-Canada) Patriarch of Constantinople was no commemorated.
GOOD! Let the pope, Poroshenko, Trump, and the Archbishop of Canterbury sing to their poodle in Istanbul.
Unto many years Holy Shepherds of the Orthodox Church. ..From all over the world. ..from Beirut Lebanon. .
don't go down this path, do not schism, doing so only serves the evil one.
The Patriarch of Constantinople started down the path of heresy when they went to the new calendar. The Greeks were winning the war with the Turks until they went with the New Calendar. God punished them for this impiety.
These are the true pillars of Orthodoxy!
Some of these subtitles appear non-standard/awkward in English. As these videos are a great resource, better English subtitles would be beneficial. If you would like, I could help edit these before posting.
The Constantinople Patriarch don't serve the Church or God, they serve the US State Department. Bartholomew seems to see himself as an Orthodox Pope, so that he can force America's wishes onto the whole Eastern Orthodox Church!
The so called Bishop of Turkey wants war. He seeks divisions. He is an installed plant of Greek and American Greek corporations who think faith should be watered down for them to attain the greatest monetary market share. In other words, their faith is not about faith in God, it’s about the faith in the god of this world…money and power and the ability to wage war and cause death to get it. Whatever Bartholomew does is based on what his handlers tell him. A puppet.
You cut off the exciting end!
If this was not held in Moscow. Would they still not commemorate Constantinople?
Very good
Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy upon me a sinner
Pray for orthodoxy today
Someone could clarify why the Patriarch of Ethiopia and the Patriarch of Alexandria are not present?
I am eritrean ortodox long life
Y is the catholicos of India not here
Anathema to Bartholomew!
I am still surprised that Pope Theodore II went and betrayed Ukraine by eventually caving in to Constantinople……
Mister Bartholomew is a zionist puppet and an imposter. He should have been removed from the dyptich ages ago.
The same goes for mister Theophilus II AKA the sell-out traitor.
Problematic figures occupy see of Constantinople for too long now and they have inflicted deep wounds to the Body of Christ. Starting with new calendar heresy and via ecumenism heresy and now schisms and uncanonical decisions…. Let us pray that God elects a true Orthodox monk to that see, the one who would be working on unity of all Orthodox…
Momento triste perché è stato rimosso Bartolomeo ma è bellissimo, sarà perché è la prima volta che lo sento
Come si chiama questo momento della messa? Perché mi piace molto e vorrei cercare altri video di questo
A los católicos nos consideran herejes, se creen tener toda la Verdad; pero el obispo de Roma es el Vicario de Cristo en la Tierra,aunque no os guste. Me impresiona vuestra Liturgia y vuestra devoción a la Madre De Dios, pero deberíais abriros y no encerrarse en vuestro egocentrismo. Conozco vuestras doctrinas y el tremendo recelo que tenéis a la Iglesia de Roma.
I have much respect for Roman Catholism, but not for Pope Francis. But I also have a great respect for the Russian Orthodox Church. I love the Russian people and their President, Putin.
Do not look to separate yet look to unite!
Where is the video where the orthodox patriarch excommunicated Francis? As a traditional Catholic I want to watch that every day.
What is the Catholic-Orthodox divine liturgy is it just the Orthodox liturgy but with Catholic
Non so con quale autorità non certo quella Divina che è solo di DIO, IL Pateiarca rimuove dai dittico il Pateiarca Bartolomeo.Pecca di orgoglio, di superbia, di arroganza.Non c'è nulla di evangelico.SoloPOTERE asservito alla dittatura puritana. Attraverso la schiavitù della Chiesa russa l'oligarchia del Cremlino vuole dominare l,'Europa di Oriente Occidente e il Mediterraneo orientale. Kirye Eleyson
The first amongst equals here: Patriarch of Antioch. Long live 🇸🇾