1 thought on “VIDEO: Orthodoxy vs Everyone, 12 / 20”
I feel like a very good and explained video of why True Orthodoxy is true, would help a lot of people out. Because the common idea people have of the split is just because of the calendar change, and most World Orthodox never hear about Constantinople lifting the 1054 Anathema, or Chambessy Agreement, or the Balamand Agreement, or the Council of Crete, or ROCOR's 1983 anathema against Ecumenism. So a really good video on why True Orthodoxy is true and it's history would help a lot of people out.
I feel like a very good and explained video of why True Orthodoxy is true, would help a lot of people out. Because the common idea people have of the split is just because of the calendar change, and most World Orthodox never hear about Constantinople lifting the 1054 Anathema, or Chambessy Agreement, or the Balamand Agreement, or the Council of Crete, or ROCOR's 1983 anathema against Ecumenism. So a really good video on why True Orthodoxy is true and it's history would help a lot of people out.