This question prompts reflections on God's love. I invite you to visit my author's page at
This question prompts reflections on God’s love.
I invite you to visit my author’s page at
The coronavirus is a hoax. There is no science to support it being a pandemic. It is all about control. The coronavirus is paving the way for a NWO. They are setting up the infrastructure for the AntiChrist. They want everyone to be vaccinated with a vaccine containing nano/pico-technology.
This is no punishment – it's a shot across the bow, a warning. The punishment is yet to come.
CV19 is just flu rebranded to usher in the one world government.
2 Thessalonians 2: 9-11
Anything evil of this world is happening for the unbelievers to convert over to the TRUTH! The believers must stay in the TRUTH and help those not of the TRUTH get saved. COVID19 IS FOR THE UNBELIEVERS NOT THE BELIEVERS!!! 2 THESSALONIANS 2:9-11 Ahava⚘
My thoughts is Covaids is a hoax, a psychological operation. Fear is the game.
I’m not going to take the vaccine. I just prayed to Archangel Micheal to protect me and my family from the COVID-19 vaccine. He conversed with me everyday. Most likely.
Another brilliant talk from Fr Spyridon. Orthodox Christianity is hard work, a massive challenge, and our Priests are not afraid to speak often uncomfortable truths. If you haven't read "Orthodoxy and the Kingdom of Satan" then do so.
Governmental control over masses, elites forming an oligarchy. Dude….?
Thank you Father Spyridon I’m traditional Roman Catholic
and always look forward to listening to your good advice!
It is essential to be willing to turn away from sin. Thanks from a True Orthodox Christian who very recently tested positive for Covid-19, had considerable symptoms, then went negative but still, like 75% of the Wuhan survivors from March 2020, suffers from long-term Covid-19 symptoms, including tiredness, itchiness, diarrhea, headaches without a temperature
Beautiful, thank you Father
In my humble opinion, one could say that it is God’s gift.!?
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
If god really wanted to punish us he wouldn’t unleash a virus with a 99.7% survival rate.
Without the virus i wouldve been still fallen in lust! When quarantine started i stsrted getting bad thoughts and the only time i felt better it was when i went out with friends but i couldnt because of the virus and i was home left with my thoughts and that made me turn to God! Thank you father and thank God!
“As in the days of Noah”
I’m Filipino and my pastor takes all the money for himself. He wishes to have a white picket fence with a pool. There are tons of Filipinos that sell Christ to edify themselves. People are making more money with Christ than your great knowledge. What is evil about representing Christ for gain?
Once I was struggling with desperation over the things Father Spyridon adressed in this talk, when at that exact moment the choir began to sing
"Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; and on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them– the LORD, who remains faithful forever."
What great comfort that was. No matter how wicked and evil the world, eventually everything wicked will fall and in Christ everything righteous and good will find everlasting peace. God is good.
Thank you
Very reassuring
This man should be Archbishop of Canterbury. He has a deep knowledge of God and much wisdom.
I have a question about the coronavirus vaccine. I wonder if it's from God or for something that we should be wary of. I'm confused about taking the vaccine and worried
So well explained. Truly, Father, you are richly blessed.
I totally agree God is love and God is also angry.
Even though God is behind creation, that doesn't mean that God is behind everything that happens within creation.
Since certain creations, such as ourselves, have been given free will and are capable of being creators in our own right; including creating suffering for ourselves and others.
This particular misunderstanding, that God is causing our suffering and perhaps punishing us, is one of the most dangerous misunderstanding promoted by religious teachers; for how can we become free from suffering if we don't understand what's causing it?
As long as we believe that lie, we will blame God or others, or our circumstances for our suffering and not see that we are the ones responsible for our suffering.
Our mistaken thinking, and the negative emotions and negative actions that flow from our thoughts causes our suffering.
Depending on what we choose to believe, and how we choose to respond to life; we create more Love in the world or the opposite.
When we choose to express the opposite of Love or cause harm, it is not God that is at fault. God gifted us with the freedom to choose and to create, and we eventually learn from our choices to be better creators; to create happiness instead of suffering, and it is suffering that teaches us this; suffering points us away from what is anti-life, anti-Love.
Our own personal suffering is the so-called "punishment" we receive for making choices that are not aligned with Love; that is the only "punishment", if we will, meted out by God.
We are designed to suffer whenever we miss the mark, which is the meaning of sin; the mark, the target or goal, is Love. We suffer whenever we fall out of alignment with Love.
Suffering and joy are part of the guidance system we've been given; the homing device, which when followed, will bring us back home to Love.
Suffering tells us that we are believing a lie or taking a wrong direction; while joy tells us the opposite.
If we don't want to suffer, then we must stop believing or doing what causes us and others suffering; and start believing and doing what brings peace, Love and joy.
God's punishment? You Gentiles don't keep no commandments and aren't cursed as a nation when you break a commandment. Psalms 119 God only deals with the Israelites , not you heathen Gentiles who think you are saved because you call on a fake name called Jesus.
True, We are living in Noah's Time… Sin is rampant everywhere.
I truly believe it is. Read Numbers 25. They were being travailed by a plague. I believe that plague was for race mixing. Phineas stopped it with a javelin.
Coronavirus is one of punishments from God. For this fallen world. But those who believe God and have salvation through Jesus should fear not. This is a temporary world. A better life is waiting for us. God did not intend for us to li e in fear. 2 TOMOTHY 1:7
"For thou lovest all things that are, and hatest none of the things which thou hast made:
for thou didst not appoint, or make any thing hating it" Wis. 11. 25 (DRB). So we are told by scripture that God doesn't create anything contrary to His nature, like viruses.