If was actually the Patrierch of the West who in his pride left God's Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which was then left with the four Eastern Patriarchates.
Btw, one of the Eastern Patriarchs has the title of "Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all of Africa". So His Unholiness not only usurped the titles "Roman" (being a Frank himself) and "Catholic" (being a heretic); He even hogged the title of "Pope", as if he's the only one who deserves that title.
Sorry nuduas.
Please keep your comments directed at specific points made in the programs. One suggestion would be to place the exact moment in the program you wish to address, e.g., "at 5:31 into Franks -PART 1C Mr. Hallford asserts…"
Wow!! This is fantastic! I'm learning a lot (as a Protestant). Wow!!
Dear Elentics, Thank you for viewing and commenting.
orthodox4eva, We are glad you were edified in some way. Please keep watching.
After studying the differences between Christian East & West (RCism) and being Luth. Almost 2 yrs ago I became Orthodox after years & years of study. Thank for these podcasts…very informative.
You're very welcome, David!
I haven't any audio on the last few videos 🙁
@Sirchud68: Sir Chud, we suggest you check with your computer's manufacturer. Our team of computer geeks has checked the audio and has found no problem on our end. 😉
TheLightfollower….The Orthodox has a more right understanding of doctrine and worship. No true believer would say they are "good or better" because of their relationship with Christ. It is a road of being humble through repentance seeing how the world´s values impinge upon a Christian life-style.
I think the distinguished gentlemen shouldn't flaunt 'Western Culture is racist'. It is none else than the Greeks that spread the idea that they are superior by considering anyone not Hellenic to be a Barbarian. The Romans (including the Frankish and non latin elements) adopted this racism and considered those RACIALLY Greek (not only culturally!) to have clear advantage and be more inclined to higher culture, philosophy and propensity to be religious than non Greeks (even Romans!)…
This series is biased for a particular time period's particular culture and language. Great Empires make lots of enemies, so Rome had it coming. Yes WRE was a cultured, spirtual, and profitable place but it was anything but peaceful. The key difference between the WRE and another great empire like Persia, is that when it was conquered, yes the franks did change the power structure to inferior feudalism.
And while this is a shame that the franks couldn't rule with a better power structure, it worked well for a bunch of uneducated warlords united by their desire to conquer roman lands. There's no emperor to swear fealty to. I don't think its fair to say that the franks wanted the dark ages to be dark. The franks simply weren't as civilized as the romans. They didn't have the technological, political, economic, cultural, and spiritual advancements that the romans had.
Yes the franks definitely made the classical mistake of purging the non-conformists, but if you want to point fingers, the romans were hardly persian in this manner either. It would be convenient if all conquerers were Cyrus the Great, but it would be even better if conquerers didn't conquer in the the first place. But.. woulda coulda shoulda~
Hokibukisa: Im beginning to feel the same way as davidperi. Christianity existed before Rome adopted and organized it, but it wasn't organized. The original roman church made efforts to reach a consensus at councils, and was therapeutic. What is now known as the roman catholic church, uses religion as a means to control people, as political power structure. The reformations are a means to escape that power. I feel as though if I'm going to participate in a faith, go with the source faith.
Thanks for reply. 🙂 I actually enjoyed this discussion very much, I just think we need to realize that the use of feudalism was probably the most practical thing for the frankish peoples. They didn't have colleges with theologians studying the nature of god and by the time they did it was probably too late to reverse the changes and the papacy wouldn't have wanted it anyways even if they were to reach a consensus that repression was a perverse path.
"Thanks for reply. 🙂 I actually enjoyed this discussion very much" We appreciate your input and attention!
I love that they discus the racism and subjugation of peoples and it's relationship to the historical divide created by the Franks, beautifully done
If was actually the Patrierch of the West who in his pride left God's Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which was then left with the four Eastern Patriarchates.
Btw, one of the Eastern Patriarchs has the title of "Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all of Africa". So His Unholiness not only usurped the titles "Roman" (being a Frank himself) and "Catholic" (being a heretic); He even hogged the title of "Pope", as if he's the only one who deserves that title.
Sorry nuduas.
Please keep your comments directed at specific points made in the programs. One suggestion would be to place the exact moment in the program you wish to address, e.g., "at 5:31 into Franks -PART 1C Mr. Hallford asserts…"
Wow!! This is fantastic! I'm learning a lot (as a Protestant). Wow!!
Dear Elentics, Thank you for viewing and commenting.
orthodox4eva, We are glad you were edified in some way. Please keep watching.
After studying the differences between Christian East & West (RCism) and being Luth. Almost 2 yrs ago I became Orthodox after years & years of study. Thank for these podcasts…very informative.
You're very welcome, David!
I haven't any audio on the last few videos 🙁
@Sirchud68: Sir Chud, we suggest you check with your computer's manufacturer. Our team of computer geeks has checked the audio and has found no problem on our end. 😉
TheLightfollower….The Orthodox has a more right understanding of doctrine and worship. No true believer would say they are "good or better" because of their relationship with Christ. It is a road of being humble through repentance seeing how the world´s values impinge upon a Christian life-style.
Dear macpduff,
We suggest this for further study:
I think the distinguished gentlemen shouldn't flaunt 'Western Culture is racist'. It is none else than the Greeks that spread the idea that they are superior by considering anyone not Hellenic to be a Barbarian. The Romans (including the Frankish and non latin elements) adopted this racism and considered those RACIALLY Greek (not only culturally!) to have clear advantage and be more inclined to higher culture, philosophy and propensity to be religious than non Greeks (even Romans!)…
This series is biased for a particular time period's particular culture and language. Great Empires make lots of enemies, so Rome had it coming. Yes WRE was a cultured, spirtual, and profitable place but it was anything but peaceful. The key difference between the WRE and another great empire like Persia, is that when it was conquered, yes the franks did change the power structure to inferior feudalism.
And while this is a shame that the franks couldn't rule with a better power structure, it worked well for a bunch of uneducated warlords united by their desire to conquer roman lands. There's no emperor to swear fealty to. I don't think its fair to say that the franks wanted the dark ages to be dark. The franks simply weren't as civilized as the romans. They didn't have the technological, political, economic, cultural, and spiritual advancements that the romans had.
Yes the franks definitely made the classical mistake of purging the non-conformists, but if you want to point fingers, the romans were hardly persian in this manner either. It would be convenient if all conquerers were Cyrus the Great, but it would be even better if conquerers didn't conquer in the the first place. But.. woulda coulda shoulda~
Hokibukisa: Im beginning to feel the same way as davidperi. Christianity existed before Rome adopted and organized it, but it wasn't organized. The original roman church made efforts to reach a consensus at councils, and was therapeutic. What is now known as the roman catholic church, uses religion as a means to control people, as political power structure. The reformations are a means to escape that power. I feel as though if I'm going to participate in a faith, go with the source faith.
Thanks for reply. 🙂 I actually enjoyed this discussion very much, I just think we need to realize that the use of feudalism was probably the most practical thing for the frankish peoples. They didn't have colleges with theologians studying the nature of god and by the time they did it was probably too late to reverse the changes and the papacy wouldn't have wanted it anyways even if they were to reach a consensus that repression was a perverse path.
"Thanks for reply. 🙂 I actually enjoyed this discussion very much" We appreciate your input and attention!
I love that they discus the racism and subjugation of peoples and it's relationship to the historical divide created by the Franks, beautifully done