This is the third episode from my interview with Archpriest, writer, educator, and publisher, Father Peter Heers.
In this episode, Father Peter discusses the greatest #spiritual challenge facing the Orthodox #Church today.
To learn more about Father Peter’s work:
Uncut Mountain Press
Orthodox Ethos Website
#Orthodox Ethos YouTube
Postcards from #Greece Podcast
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Phyletism is the big one for me. Let's just say recent events tied to phyletism have left me without valid church opportunities for the better part of year.
Thank you so much 🎀🎀
Is Fr Peter ROCOR or Greek Orthodox?
Wisely spoken and observed. Thank you for a call to wake up.
Turning wine into water!
Beware of ecumenism, and it's promoters, such as the Roman Pope, also the disease of secularism which is rife today.
Beautifully explained, thank you Father
Guruism's cult of personality could also count as a contender.
Thank God for this man pointing out the truth.
Priest Peter Heers failed to mention the Orthodox Church is in apostasy [ abandonment of the Faith ]. The “Great and Holy Council of 2016” of the World Orthodox was simply another act of a body that has given itself totally into the hands of the heresy of Ecumenism and the new age. Decades ago, virtually all of the Orthodox Churches joined the World Council of Churches ecumenical movement and regularly, the Churches' Metropolitan bishops and archbishops have traveled to Rome and kissed the Pope's hand and participated in group prayer with the Pope and select leaders of the Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Shamans, etc.
On YouTube there are videos showing extensive footage of this apostasy also including as part of the WCC program, Aussie aborigines dancing in Church and Christians in Church doing guided meditation by a woman New Age Buddhist on Quan Yin, a Buddhist Goddess.
Those anti-ecumenists within this kingdom must realise that it is time to hear the words of the Book of Revelation in which the Lord exhorts to "'Come out of her, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;” (Revelation 18:4)
Another facet of the apostasy is the Orthodox Churches in the USA have informally removed Christ as head of the Church by giving headship of the Church to the State/government by having obtained the totally unnecessarily IRS tax-exempt status 501(c)(3) which is totally unnecessary because churches are already tax-exempt guaranteed so by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Those priests who fought the apostasy from within got defrocked.
I have difficulty in how we are to approach Phyletism. Are we not to support causes that promote the well being of our ethnicity, our nation in the face of attacks from those who seek to destroy ones ethnic identity?
Hello Protecting Veil i once commented on your channel as a curious protestant. Now i am commenting as an Orthodox. God bless you and i hope your channel grows. I may even consider becoming a monastic. Thanks for the encouraging interviews.
More specifically, it is secularism in the form of Feminism. Males who are not men, who do not lead women to Christ, and who do not love God with all their heart, soul, and might. Thus the family of the Church struggles.
Greatest Spiritual Challenge facing the church?? How to get rid of the Heretic Bergoglio!!
Phyletism and Ecumenism have been summed up in the recently built Russian Military Cathedral (which if one examines it will find many unpleasant things) and the response of so many clergy and faithful to capitulate to Covid-19 regulations which are contrary to our Holy Faith.
As the world bows the knee to Covid, we must stand and say with the Apostles “We ought to obey God rather than man” (see Acts 5:29)
The spirit of Antichrist is that which denies that Christ came in the flesh (see 2 John 7). The Covid-19 regulations upon the Church are a blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and a denial of the reality of the work of Christ: e.g. His Incarnation, Baptism, Transfiguration, Passion, Resurrection, Ascension; which culminates in Pentecost and is especially and ever present in the Holy Eucharist.
We have forgotten the Mystery of Godliness (see 1 Timothy 3:16) and now so many of us, laity and clergy, are fulfilling the word of the Apostle Paul when he wrote that in the last days people would have “a form of godliness but deny its power” (See 2 Timothy 3:1-9
O Lord save Thy people!
I begin to understand ethos. Will watch this again. Thank you. 💒🌹
Ecumenism is heresy of all heresies… Such were the words of our contemporary saints: St. Justin Popovich and St. Nikolai Velimirovich and many others. Unfortunate moves by the see of Constantinople followed by the Church of Greece had inflicted deep wounds to the Body of Christ (heretical calendar innovations, involvement in actions with heterodox prohibited by the Church canons, unlawful actions in Ukraine, etc.) and I pray to God that after 150 years of having problematic figures occupying that see, a true Orthodox God fearing monk will be appointed as Bishop to that see.
post war synod coming very soon
People forget that hell does exist, that's the problem with today's society.
Without ascetic struggles, there’s no orthodoxy – my understanding.
God bless you!
Father Heers is so inspiring. I just split from my Protestant Church and will be seeking a new home. Any other good reading or podcasts for someone who will be seeking catechism. Been following Heers and Dyer for several months now. Thanks!
The biggest headache for the church is that has lost its firm grip on the very life of people. Why? The single major cause is the development of the scientific method which, over and over again, has pulled down the pants of the church, exposing that the claims made by it doesn't hold up. So, if the claims made by the church doesn't hold up, why should people allow the church to rule over them as of old?
Preservation of the ethnos is a worldly preservation; there are no Greek, Russian, Macedonians, Syrian, etc in Heaven.
Thank you Father. IC XC NIKA 🙏
7:47 “I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church, it means I believe in Christ, He is the Body of Christ”
I agree with all the factors of corruption and disintegration of the Church explained.
But there is a still more important issue, which is not being adressed: the Body of Christ is not just Christ, as much as a head is not the whole body, or the legs or trunk. (I quote what Fr. Heers says in another video): “the Body of Christ is composed mainly of the Saints”. After them, I think, comes also the community of real Faithful and Just people.
But where are the Saints at present day ? Hidden and dispersed around the world, praying for the salvation of the remainder “faithful”, who have no more the Faith, the Hope and Charity of believers of the past ? I cannot believe that…
The actions of those Saints of before, they always became visible, one way or the other, sooner or later, and helped an uncountable people to become stronger and united in Christ. And this happened in any christian Church, be it Orthodox, Roman Catholic, or Protestant.
All the other problems, secularism, phyletism, ecumenism, weak faith, etc, all come from the progressive weakening of the Body of Christ in Earth. And addressing these problems directly, without looking for their root cause is doomed to fail, as it is doomed to fail to apply band-aids and give aspirin to someone who had a major car accident.